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Brentwood, CA, 94513
United States

Here at My Life Outdoors we cover hunting, fishing, hiking and all things outdoors as they pertain to me and my family. This site allows me to document our adventures and share with others along the way. Live outside and explore. The older I get, the more my love for the outdoors grows. I also created this site to allow my two young boys look back at our times outdoors in years to come. As well as chronicle my chase of harvesting my first big game animal.


A Little About Me

Tim Martinez


 Welcome to our About page. I decided to create this page in order to tell you a little about me and my reasons for creating this site. My name is Tim Martinez and I have been an avid outdoors-man from very early on in my life. From what my family says, my first time camping in the eastern sierra mountains was at only 6 months old. So I guess from that aspect, I have spent a good portion of my life in the mountains of California. That also tells you a little something about my family. Nothing was going to keep them from trout fishing, not even a baby.

So I spent most of my summers, stream fishing in the Eastern Sierras. Started off bait fishing with salmon eggs. That led to throwing panther martin's in an effort to entice a large native trout to slamming the spinner. All of that would lead up to fly fishing these same streams, searching for the same elusive brooks. But I guess life comes full circle, as now I am back to baiting hooks and teaching my sons to fish.

My most memorable times in childhood have been spent camping in the mountains with family. Learning how to properly set a fire, how to track animals and what if feels like to be amongst giants. And the Eastern Sierra mountain range can feel just like that, like walking amongst giants. Weather it be the mountain peaks or the sierra pines, they all tower over us with great beauty.

My Dad took me on my first quail hunting trip at around 7 or 8 and my first mule deer trip at 11 or 12. There seemed to be nothing better than being in the back country. I remember taking my first shot at a mule deer with my open sight .243 from over 300 yards. I was unsuccessful to say the least. But my dad let me unload my gun in an attempt to harvest a buck, before he took one shot and got us some meat.

My second, and last shot at a mule deer buck came when I was 14. We were hunting in Utah as this, from what I remember, was Californina's first year for the deer harvest lottery and zone regulations. I remember my dad handing me his 30-06 and telling me to use his gun because it had a scope. The gun didn't fit me and I was scoped a couple times. But I wore the black eye and bloody nose as a badge of honor.

With school sports not allowing me to go hunting with my family from the age of 15 to 20 years old, I never got another chance at harvesting a deer. The family ended up getting so discouraged with California's new regulations. It didn't accommodate our size of hunting party. So we would have to submit under two different parties. This made planning a trip super difficult. So we all decided we needed to find something else all the boys in the family could do together. And that was deep sea fishing in the east cape of Baja California.

So that's why I started the site. To document my life outdoors. To let you follow my struggle in finally harvesting a big game animal. And to document how influential the outdoors, fishing, hunting and hiking can be. So I hope you enjoy my journey. Thanks for checking in.

Tim Martinez